How many times have you woken up, did your morning routine and moved very slowly to start your day as you try to decide what needs to be completed and in which order?

When we do not know what needs be done first, at the beginning of the day, we waste time. The delay is worse when we know what needs to be done and do not want to do it. We then do other less important tasks (like let me reorganize my pantry) or time wasters like unnecessary socializing, going on social media, playing games. None of these pursuits are bad, it just may not be the right time for them.

So the day before (at least), pick one thing that needs to be started or completed the next day. Do not make a list of 6 when you know this is a challenge area for you. Be real. If you are not accomplishing what needs to be done already, why set yourself up for failure?

It takes time to build a habit (good or bad), so start small. I used to say my list has to include more items as I am an adult and should be able to accomplish more than one task/project for the day. This is self-sabotage. We can move on to the next task with a feeling of accomplishment because we did what we initially planned to do.

I have a master list that I can reference when I am ready to move to the next task.


  1. Pick the priority task to be completed the day before.
  2. Write it down. This step raises a level of commitment to complete the task.
  3. Prepare what you need in advance to action your plan/task.
  4. Do your personal morning routine and then begin your task.
  5. Be ready for resistance. People want access to you whenever they want access to you. Manage their expectations.

Planning lowers last minute stress and increases productivity.