How to Prioritize for Success

There are a lot of great books and resources available to help. I believe the keys to successful prioritization is finding what works for you and starting. Learn the basic principle (read books or watch videos). Decide what method you will use. Get started. Start...

Do You Want to Lead Others Well?

Photograph by Mario Aranda You are either in or you are out. Stop picking the parts of leadership you like to do and mistreating others (by providing poor leadership), in the areas you do not. Responsible delegation and neglect or mismanagement are two different...

How to Stay Calm in the Chaos

Surround yourself with calm people. High drama producing or loving people make things worse. Logical thinkers help you to keep moving forward out of the chaos. Have reliable people assist you. You do not need the additional stress of wondering if people are doing what...

How to Master Overcommitment

Four Point Action Plan POINT 1 Stop judging yourself. We usually have help to get into this position. Family, friends, staff and employers can contribute to our over commitment issues. However you have acknowledged the issue and the great news is it can now be fixed!...

Avoidance is Never the Solution

Ministry is demanding. Leadership is demanding. Everything has carries its own demands. If you avoid the unpleasant demands, you will only create more problems. Make a list of the issues, prioritize them, determine if you can obtain help and start working on them one...