1. Are you getting enough sleep?
    • There is a lot of information out there about how we can survive on 4 hours of sleep on a regular basis. What may work for someone else may not work for you.
    • Start to increase the amount of sleep you are getting and you will be surprised at the difference it can make to your mood.
  2. Are you taking time to relax mentally?
    • Give yourself mental breaks. Have a hobby and do it! Play an instrument, work on your car, read, build LEGO, do puzzles, watch funny shows, do crafts, sing, play video games, go for walks or go fishing.
    • Make it a habit, add it to your calendar and if you forget sometimes, no worries just take up where you left off. Make it a regular part of your day.
  3. Check your vitamin intake levels. You may be suffering from vitamin deficiency.
    • This one is very easily overlooked. We do not usually associate feeling tired or anxious with vitamin deficiency. We generally assume we may be too busy or working too long.
    • However you may have noticed your hands shaking, hair greying faster than normal, tiredness, irritability and loss of concentration and many other symptoms. The effects of deficiency can be varied and small or large. Please get this checked and adjust your meals accordingly.
  4. Are you taking time to relax physically?
    • Everyone can get some form of exercise. A little, a medium amount or a lot. I guarantee you that there is something out there for you. Go for different timed walks or runs in areas you like. Dance or exercise at home or take a class. Play a sport, go for bike rides or swim to name a few options.
    • You can do one form of exercise or a combination of what works for you. Do not be afraid to change your form of exercise to something else if what your are doing does not work for you. You might take an exercise class this year but a swimming class next year.

Paulette Bryan