Who are you calling after hours and why?

People need to have a healthy balance in life. If your staff or volunteers are always on call, there will be consequences.

Damaged relationships at home, consequences such as fatigue, anxiety, stress, forgetfulness and increased health concerns to name a few.

There are obvious professions or situations which require after hours calls.

If you want to make sure something is communicated, auto schedule or send an email which can be read the next day.

Or make a note in your calendar to communicate the necessary information on the next business day.

If your business requires after hours communication, arrange to have more than one person alternate the on call responsibility and pay them.

People have ended up with damaged relationships because the demands of work were so unrealistic. They neglected their relationships and paid the price.

Everyone should have uninterrupted time to pursue hobbies, spiritual growth, rest, take care of personal concerns and spend time family and friends.

Some leaders justify the after hours or weekend calls by saying they are available and anyone can call them at anytime. That is your choice. Do not make that choice for someone else.

You may lose staff and volunteers because you have misused your authority.

If you have been calling staff or volunteers after hours, no worries! Just start making the change to stop doing so.

We all learn as we go, adjust and enjoy the results!

Paulette E. Bryan